Jellicoe Road (0061431850)

When You Walk Through The Storm (9781840180671)

When You Walk Through the Storm is the moving story of Anne Williams, whose son Kevin died in the Hillsborough disaster in 1989. It is a remarkable personal account of a mother's determination to discover the true circumstances of her son's death on that tragic afternoon. She vividly relates the grief she felt when she realised Kevin wasn't coming home, followed by the anger she experienced on discovering that he could have been saved. In the aftermath of the tragedy, controversy raged over who had been responsible for the events, and Anne describes her feelings towards those who, she felt, had blood on their hands. Finally, she became embroiled in a bitter fight for justice for her son.

Product details

  • Paperback | 192 pages
  • 154.94 x 228.6 x 20.32mm | 354g
  • Mainstream Publishing
  • Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1 x 8pp b/w
  • 1840180676
  • 9781840180671
  • 1,445,547

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